Living Life in the DR

Monday, March 17, 2014

Here We Go!

Wow! I can't even begin to describe how God has been working in our lives over the past year or so. I never in my life would have imagined I would be standing here! God works in amazing ways and I stand in awe of His presence and power in our lives.

I'm not a writer by any means, but I just
 want to share my heart with all of you and tell you how God is working and moving in the life of our family and ask that you pray for us as we start down this journey with God. I don't believe God ever intended us to live life alone. He has called us to lift each other up and to encourage one another along the way. We would not be able to take this journey without all of  you standing behind us and lifting us up in prayer. There is so much power in prayer!

There's a lot of background to how we got to where we are standing today but I will leave that for another post ;) I'll keep you wondering for a bit! The fact is I just don't have the time right now to write it all down. I tend to go on and on with  my stories, and it's so hard to put it all in just a few paragraphs. I promise I will share those details soon!

Gabe and I are leaving for the Dominican Republic tomorrow morning to visit Freedom International Ministries. One of my very dear friends, Katie Cline and her husband, are missionaries down there. But we aren't just going for a friendly visit. Gabe and I feel that God is calling us to join the Freedom International Ministries team and become missionaries in the DR!

This is something I would have never pictured myself doing! I've been praying for awhile that God would help me step out in faith and out of my comfort zone. I never imagined it could involve packing up our family and moving to another country and leaving our family, friends and everything we know and love behind. But God works in amazing ways and His ways are far above anything we could ever hope or imagine for our own lives. So we are trusting God and taking steps toward this calling in our lives.

So if you could please be in prayer for us this week it would be greatly appreciated! First for the plane ride down and back! I am not a fan of flying and would love the prayers :) Also, that God would reveal himself to us in amazing ways while we are down there and that we would know without a shadow of doubt whether or not He is calling us to the DR. I believe that God directs moving objects. So we are taking this step of faith and believing that God will guide us and direct us in the direction He wants us to go. Whether that leads us to the DR, somewhere else, or right back to Berne, we just want to offer Him everything we have and be obedient to His calling for our lives!

I recently heard on the radio that "complete surrender to God's will leads to complete security". While this seems like a huge step for our family and scares me to the core at times, I believe that if God is calling us to the DR, then there is no safer place for our family to be. And that is inside His will. His word promises that "He will never leave us or forsake us" and we are clinging to those promises! I continually pray that God will humble our hearts. I pray that He gives us hearts of clay that are always willing to be molded and shaped into the people He has created us to be!

So as we take this first step on our faith journey, we just ask that you would join us in prayer! God's will for all of our lives is that we would love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind and soul and that we would love our neighbors as ourself. He calls us all to do that in different ways. We just have to have a willing heart. I pray that we are all obedient to God's calling in our lives and that we are never afraid to take those small steps of faith and pray that God will direct our paths!

I love this song and it has truly spoke to my heart these past few months!

Oceans - Hillsong UNITED

Can't wait to share about our trip when we get back!!

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