Living Life in the DR

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Looking Ahead to 2015!

Wow! I can’t even describe all the emotions that run through my head when I think about 2015. There is genuine excitement for the changes that this year will bring. We felt God calling us to the DR back in December of 2013 and now to be standing just 6 short months from it seems surreal! But with that excitement, fear also creeps in. I have to admit, I enjoy being comfortable. I’ve spent years building walls around my perfect little life and now, to watch God tear those down and ask me to step out of my comfort zone…well to be honest, it brings on some anxiety!! But God has revealed Himself to me in some amazing ways over the past couple years. And I’ve come to this conclusion….God doesn’t call us to be comfortable! I read the book ‘Crazy Love’ by Francis Chan a few years back. If you want a slap in the face, this is the book to read! This quote from that book really speaks to me!

“But God doesn't call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust Him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if He doesn't come through.” 

You don’t have to move to the DR to be uncomfortable. God’s plan for my life looks much different than yours! But He has a plan and purpose for each of us and I believe He is calling each one of us to step out of our comfort zone and get uncomfortable! Francis Chan says it again so well!

“It is true that God may have called you to be exactly where you are. But, it is absolutely vital to grasp that He didn’t call you there so you could settle in and live your life in comfort and superficial peace.” 

Is moving to a foreign country far from family and friends going to be easy? No. Are there going to be hard times? Yes! But I’ve come to find that the best place I can be is inside of God’s will. I heard this on the radio awhile back and it’s stuck with me. “Complete surrender to God's will leads to complete security”. 

So here’s to a year of being ‘uncomfortable’! I pray that we are all willing to step out of our comfort zone and step into God’s will for our lives. 

Fundraising Update:

Our goal was to be at 60% of our monthly budget by the end of 2014 and we currently stand at 61%! Praise God!! Our next goal is to be at 65% by the end of January. We also stand at 79% of start-up costs! We are so thankful for all the prayers and support we have already received and ask that you prayerfully consider joining us on this journey!

If you are interested in supporting us and becoming part of our team, please visit, click on Donate under Invest and choose Pyle from the drop down menu.

Happy New Year from the Pyles!
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